Quarantine Thoughts

“What’s it like being in quarantine due to the coronavirus in Germany?”

Well for one, even though I’ve been home since March 9th (#socialdistancing #doingmypart), I still can’t spell quarantine without spellcheck on. For another, this is my very first, and so far only, quarantine and so far don’t have a lot to compare it to. Also, it’s not a quarantine until you’re sick right? Also, I spelled that quarantine (and this quarantine) correctly. Big wins today.

So far, it’s a lot like, working from home and being ok with it. It’s also a time to rest. I know there is anxiety, I know, because I am also in it. That’s probably a story for later. For now, here’s a more objective view of the present.

aren't you bored?!

No not at all. There’s still work to be done. There is still content in this world I haven’t consumed (or written), food needs to be eaten, cat needs pets, etc. I’m actually feeling like I am in one of my most productive periods, or maybe more like most efficiently productive, in a long time. I like home office, I like my home, this is working fine for me. Did I think I would do it for 3 weeks in a row? No. And, did I imagine I would be doing it “indefinitely” with the rest of the country? No again, but also it’s fine. I’m having fun stretching the brain and creative muscle to work differently than before.

On the other hand, I miss dinners out, laughing in person with people, a certain tomato mozzarella sandwich from a certain bakery I had become addicted to the last two or three months. Even with this though, having this big reset, this opportunity to see what it’s like to live a different way, it’s a gift and I intend to explore it.

My sad timeline, showing the last two days I was out an about to do last minute errands.

What is germany doing during this time?

I mean, probably the same as me. I see a family or two outside their homes behind my house on occasion, there is proper social distancing at the kiosk across the street, people standing about 5 ft from each other, drinking beers, hanging out. My neighborhood grocery is more empty than normal, certain goods like pasta, canned and jarred food, toilet paper (I do not understand this run on toilet paper. Do other people not keep like at least a month’s supply at all times?), is harder to find. But I don’t feel like starvation is around the corner. For one my regular grocery/meal delivery service is still running fine, and for another I tend to not eat a lot when I’m at home. Which is a good thing, because the gyms shut down at least a week ago.

If Wiesbaden Stadtmitte is experiencing something else, I don’t know what it is because I haven’t been there in two weeks. I have read though that not every town is doing well with social distancing, that people are letting their children play together on playgrounds, people hang out at BBQs, even some reports of people at the beach at the North Sea without distance between themselves.

From the few social network groups I’m in though, Wiesbadeners are good at shaming each other back indoors online and I can only assume this extends to public life as well. At some point, someone was doing a public concert off their balcony in the Westend neighborhood. However they had to stop, as people crowded below to listen, clearly ruining the whole point of stay home or avoid groups.

Going to the doctor is discouraged unless it’s an emergency. Visiting hours at hospitals are generally gone now. Grocery stores and essential pharmacies are actually allowed limited opening hours on Sundays, never thought I’d see that happen. The restriction of two people together out and about at any time (unless they’re family) has restricted social life down to, nothing I suppose. Church services (including mine) are online now, and that is really neat.

Deliveries still happen, public transportation is running (limited, and no entering through the front doors of busses), taxis are running though I believe also on a limited basis. Government agencies are closed, schools have been closed, it appears that most corporate offices, or those which are service based, are all in home offices.

Life is pretty quiet.

What else?

That’s kind of it really. I’ve got lots of audiobooks and Kindle material, podcasts, Yoga videos, free courses all lined up. I can say, that this is one time procrastination has actually really served me well. There’s never been a better time to get around to “that thing I want to read/learn/listen to” than now. It’s amazing how, at the end of am 8 or 9 hour work day, I’m not exhausted. There was no commute to deal with, my transition from home to work is as simple as taking the time to make coffee, dress and walk upstairs and that’s actually enough separation from home to work for me. For now.

Got some recs?

Yes I do! 

Below are some affiliate links to take you directly to some of my favs. I’m hoping you can enjoy and feel some warmth and comfort like I have with them.

Books, Kindle or audio

Currently I’m in an introspection, self-help (hate this term though), self discovery, pop psy phase. These books below have hit me in the feels and I’m loving it. I’m starting to really get into audiobooks, but at night I still like to read and enjoy silence.

Podcasts and videos

Stay safe and healthy everyone, leave a comment if you’d like a chat or reach out through email, Insta or your favorite social media platform poison 🙂

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