A Recipe for: Granola Bites

This has nothing to do with living in Germany and everything to do with I need to share this recipe for granola bites with you. Plus, once I posted my proud creation on Instagram a friend knew they immediately had to have it :).


I made these granola bites because I had some ingredients to use up and I had a sweet tooth at the time, which definitely influenced the final flavor of these.


I made them on Saturday, today is Friday, and they’ve held up well all week. I have taken 6 to work Mon-Wed-Fri (trying not to eat soooo much sugar all the time) and have enough left for the same routine next week. Ultimately I don’t see any reason why they wouldn’t.


The ball shape is fun but next time I’m going to try squares, simply because the glass containers I use are squared. I’m going to try pressing the mixture into the containers and then using that as a guide for how big they should be. Also, there’s a bit of a texture thing, the ball shape makes them much denser than I would really like all the time. On the other hand, I like satisfying mouthfeel so maybe it’ll be half and half.


All these ingredients (except vanilla extract and maybe the chocolate chips) are readily found in German supermarkets and I have the translations and amounts below. I bought everything (except the chocolate chips and vanilla) at Rewe and Perfetto.



Below is what I did for these, but next time I’ll use less peanut butter and less spice, maybe less honey as well. These balls were very chewy and I wanted a bit more oat texture. The proportions are more important than the ingredients ultimately, so if chewier is better, more peanut butter and honey and vice versa.
1 C oats
1/2 C chocolate chips
1/2 C peanut butter
1/3 C honey
1 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla extract***
1/2 tsp “Fall/Winter spice”*
1/2 tsp cardamom
1 baking sheet
1 sheet of wax paper
1 large bowl
1 medium bowl

  1. Pour oats, salt and spices together, mix
  2. Add chocolate chips, mix
  3. In another bowl, mix honey and peanut butter until combined
  4. Add all together, mix until there isn’t any powdery appearance to the oats anymore
  5. Using a teaspoon, scoop out mixture and form balls. Mine are roughly 1″ in diameter.
  6. Place finished balls on baking sheet covered with wax paper
  7. Put in fridge for 20 minutes before eating**

*Fall/Winter spice: this is a blend of white sugar, allspice, nutmeg, cinnamon, and ginger. Completely optional and next time I’m adding some of these spices and leaving out the sugar
**If you haven’t seen the weather in Europe lately, we are under a serious Arctic freeze so actually I put my (covered) baking sheet on my window ledge and in 10 minutes they were rock solid, it was -5° that day.
I’m also thinking of adding in flaxseed or other binders which are protein friendly. I don’t like coconut but I’m betting coconut flakes would also be excellent in this recipe.

Zutaten auf Deutsch

130 g Haferflocken
65 g Schokotropfen
130 g Erdnussbutter
110 g Hönig
6 g Salz
5ml Vanilla Extract***
6 g Kardamom (ein bisscher weniger, wann die andere Gewürze sind benutzen.)
***this isn’t found in Germany, but making your own is easy!

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